I made up other people, lied about who they truly were because I was just too scared to say anything... But as I grew many bonds to everyone here, I broke out of my dark shell... And have changed in a massive way... And really, I`m able to accept that I don`t need those who I made up anymore to assist me... As I got actual friends here who I care about, even if I barely know them, I still like them... No matter what THEY like, I`m still willing to be their friend... I`m no cruel judge for how horny or lustful you are, it`s just part of nature... And all that... And uh.....

I made up other people, lied about who they truly were because I was just too scared to say anything... But as I grew many bonds to everyone here, I broke out of my dark shell... And have changed in a massive way... And really, I`m able to accept that I don`t need those who I made up anymore to assist me... As I got actual friends here who I care about, even if I barely know them, I still like them... No matter what THEY like, I`m still willing to be their friend... I`m no cruel judge for how horny or lustful you are, it`s just part of nature... And all that... And uh.....

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old

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