hnn.. Who ever tried to say that the person who used my sprite stole it, they actually asked politely. I claim the person who made Fell as my cild and I will get mad at you if you try to say that they stole something from me again. I honestly will allow that person to edit any of sprites as long as they tell me they are editing it. Leave them alone(hnn- I was making coffee >:T) - Ray

hnn.. Who ever tried to say that the person who used my sprite stole it, they actually asked politely. I claim the person who made Fell as my cild and I will get mad at you if you try to say that they stole something from me again. I honestly will allow that person to edit any of sprites as long as they tell me they are editing it. Leave them alone(hnn- I was making coffee >:T) - Ray

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Description: Am Ray Ask for permission to useth Always ready to rp, just ask me to! >w<

CREATOR ID: b864cc
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "S-Stop! P-Please..."

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator