A HAPPY PLACE SOME MAY CALL IT! I MYSELF CALL IT A PEACEFUL ZONE!... Free from all this hate and rage..... Free from the true horrors of life, from within all this darkness I see a spark of hope within all of us... We have our own places of hopefulness in our minds... yet we seem to always push it away... so then... Let your mind run wild... Let people see who you TRULY are!... Show your true feelings to let yourself be lifted within the air of bright skies and warm mornings... Knowing that people can accept who you are...

A HAPPY PLACE SOME MAY CALL IT! I MYSELF CALL IT A PEACEFUL ZONE!... Free from all this hate and rage..... Free from the true horrors of life, from within all this darkness I see a spark of hope within all of us... We have our own places of hopefulness in our minds... yet we seem to always push it away... so then... Let your mind run wild... Let people see who you TRULY are!... Show your true feelings to let yourself be lifted within the air of bright skies and warm mornings... Knowing that people can accept who you are...

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Description: -Stellar | -Edits by Terrie

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: More edits...

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