ReversiveDust Sans & Papyrus but they are wearing dif colorss!

ReversiveDust Sans & Papyrus but they are wearing dif colorss!

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Description: Original Sprite from DiegomanCo ------------------right so heres a at, revert dust, in this au swap!papyrus didnt kill swap sans, instead he convinced sans to join on his jorney, both go around the undergrund on a massive killing spree, the human isnt able to kill any monsters, since sans is killing more monsters in the ruins and snowdin while papyrus is killing monsters in hotland and the core. Mettaton and Undyne go on a team to try to stop both,but they failed. Now its all up to the human if hes on a genocide route or pacifist/anarchism route *NOW YOU REALLY ARE GOING TO PAY HUMAN! *nyehehe...

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 431
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: ReversiveDust Sans & Papyrus

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator