I know, Im sorry Ez... and objection Hanover: When someone is emotionally unstable when being grouped up apon, there are effects, and I know MOAU is good at roleplay and change all the sudden... switching his thoughts and what he make us think what he feels, even if its not real... in other words, Manipuation. Due to everyone ganging up of them, they attack themself acting as someone else.

I know, Im sorry Ez... and objection Hanover: When someone is emotionally unstable when being grouped up apon, there are effects, and I know MOAU is good at roleplay and change all the sudden... switching his thoughts and what he make us think what he feels, even if its not real... in other words, Manipuation. Due to everyone ganging up of them, they attack themself acting as someone else.

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Description: ((Name: Chara)) ((Likes: Chocolate, Bananas, Anything Butterscotch and Milkshakes! Dislikes: Rice. Notes: Soul trait: Patience. Very ticklish and seems to not want to be angry, and wants to be very nice. )) ((Thanks to 9664c for the chara body)) -((Exprestions by: c9142 -> Sweet_Kawai_Cat <- aka me)) (http://pixelartmaker.com/art/0c2e7e680f9551d)

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old

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