hey look im sands the the "d6b04" i steal sprites all day until i turn horny and simp at night, im so gay i steal my bf's sex pics. i also make phase 100000000000000 of lb sas and im a bitch

hey look im sands the the "d6b04" i steal sprites all day until i turn horny and simp at night, im so gay i steal my bf's sex pics. i also make phase 100000000000000 of lb sas and im a bitch

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Description: Sprites By BoxOfNothings Made By MLGAllan65 I am Letting Goofy Glasses Face Do The Talking This Time instead of me since i killed already my 2 popular versions of me.

CREATOR ID: 450a4c
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: hey look im sands the "d6b04" i steal sprites all day until i turn horny and simp at night, im so gay i steal my bf's sex pics-*sans* (moau)

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