This is blue. The stupid skeleton being that bang his head with the monitor while playing fortnite because some random player of his team stole his assault rifle, days after proceeded to cut himself, then adding some red paiting to his scar. Then his mom thinked he was dead and threw him to the garbage, now he's gonna die by a psycopath teenager that has healing powers.

This is blue. The stupid skeleton being that bang his head with the monitor while playing fortnite because some random player of his team stole his assault rifle, days after proceeded to cut himself, then adding some red paiting to his scar. Then his mom thinked he was dead and threw him to the  garbage, now he's gonna die by a psycopath teenager that has healing powers.

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CREATOR ID: b8347b
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Welp my buddy chum friend pall buddy fellas im off to diddily darn snap my neck and give you all crummy junctures bye bye!!!

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