It's not stolen. the man made it, look at bases. -Ruv (cleetus

It's not stolen. the man made it, look at bases.  -Ruv (cleetus

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Description: MY VERY FIRST TIME I LOOK AT A NON-PIXELATED PHOTO AND MAKE IT ON PIXEL ART MAKER. anyway, don't use without permission. Zavodila lyrics (NOT BY ME, fanmade.): I don't show mercy, kid, I'll make sure you bleed rught now. / bf: I ain't scared of anything, I'll make you scream right now. / Ruv: Don't think I'll go easy (X2) / bf: I ain't afraid do it (X2) / Ruv: (insert fast part here) Don't even try to run, don't even try to hide get ready for the pain, get ready for the ride lemme show you what I got, lemme show you what I mean I'll show you the pain, when I crush your spleen. / bf: (insert fast part) Let's just have fun, let's just put this aside stop acting insane there's nothing to hide, Lemme show you what I got, Lemme show you what I mean Let's act rational and sane for the sake of this amazing rap battle. / ruv: Are we gonna fight or what? We've been rapping from back to back now, are we gonna rap? Are we gonna fight? Choose wisely, kid, I ain't got all day long. / bf: let's just do a rap battle, we've been rapping from back to back now, we're gonna sing we're gonna rap, get ready, dude, I got all day long. / ruv: Think you're so though on the mic? Lemme show you what I got, lemme show you I'm right, I can take you on without a fight, Don't underestimate me, I'm always right. / bf: -repeat- / ruv: You're gonna regret this (X2) / bf: You're too slow, I doubt it (X2) / ruv: I'll do slower this time, make sure to keep up now. / bf: You're taking the thrill this time, at least I know I'll win now. / ruv: Don't try to stop, Don't try to evade, I'm bringing it now, I'm bringing the pain. / bf: I'll never stop, I'll never evade, I'm bringing now, I'm bringing the pain. / ruv: You're so weak, but you're brave enough, I respect that, kid, I guess you're tough. / bf: I got whole week, To rap this long, I guess I'm tough, to finish this song. / ruv: Imma bring it all, imma bring it now, I can go faster, kid, I'll show you how, / bf: Imma bring it all, imma bring it now, do it faster dude, imma show you how. / ruv: shit, you're good, but I think it through, I'll rap so fast, I'll beat the fuck out of you. / bf: Imma beat you hard, but I think it through, I'll rap so fast, I'll beat the fuck out of you. / ruv: Sure kid, but don't go crying after I do this...Really still think that your strong enough? Now show me now, show me what you got. / bf: That's kinda fast, that's kinda hard, really still think I'm not strong enough? Let me show you now, let me show you how, let me show you, let me show you what I really got. / ruv: I guess you prove your worth it, I'll let you win, I'll let you go, Don't try to come back, or I'll break your back, now go on ahead, I'll let this slide and move on. / bf: for what it's worth, I'll go ahead, we'll go right now, as you just said, I'd like to say, that we'll never stay, in this holistic, pessimistic, misogynistic, goddamn place... -end song-

CREATOR ID: 4fc7b6
AGE: 3 years old

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