Let the houses burn. Less resources for the hostiles, not to mention when the civilians discover the loss, they'll hate the enemy even more.

Let the houses burn. Less resources for the hostiles, not to mention when the civilians discover the loss, they'll hate the enemy even more.

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Description: BOUNTY: € 950, Wanted for: Stealing cake, grain, bread, donuts, et cetera. Wanted Dead or Mortally Wounded. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Dons a hat with metallic wings, a long, leather overcoat with a split-up back, steel buckles on the shoulder which rope around the sleeves, a large escutcheon that bears the Prussian Coat of Arms, a pale blue cravat, knee-length trousers, a pair of tanned leather gaiters, and a small ribbon. Described by witnesses as "Around 2 metres tall, has white hair, green eyes, and is in their early 20s."

CREATOR ID: 01905f
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Fourth time fixing the feather. Why...

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