When we first met, I was floating upside down in human form and it confused you. I told you that the world here was strange and most of us had powers like that, and I told you about my three forms of creation power. I glitched and I had to explain that I`m not meant to exist, and then we got to talking about our voices in our heads because you were talking to yourself, and I totally understood, so we became friends.

When we first met, I was floating upside down in human form and it confused you. I told you that the world here was strange and most of us had powers like that, and I told you about my three forms of creation power. I glitched and I had to explain that I`m not meant to exist, and then we got to talking about our voices in our heads because you were talking to yourself, and I totally understood, so we became friends.

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CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Boarderline

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator