It started on a Sunday, and I was just doing nothing but partying it up with some people I knew enough, um I'm just looking at things The sweaty bodies go on scheming They be praising me, I'm dreaming 'Cause I made it, now I'm something, at least I think I am? That's what they say I am? Not playing, man I'm just doing everything that I f**king can I don't even know what's just going on but they thinking Looking at me like I am money Shut up And now they speaking Fake, so I'll be Drinking it up and then some Hinting I'm done, they nincom- Poops who keep talking, I'm hostage "But sponsors?" Paid my ransom.-SomethingelseYT

 It started on a Sunday, and I was just doing nothing but partying it up with some people I knew enough, um I'm just looking at things The sweaty bodies go on scheming They be praising me, I'm dreaming 'Cause I made it, now I'm something, at least I think I am? That's what they say I am? Not playing, man I'm just doing everything that I f**king can I don't even know what's just going on but they thinking Looking at me like I am money Shut up And now they speaking Fake, so I'll be Drinking it up and then some Hinting I'm done, they nincom- Poops who keep talking, I'm hostage "But sponsors?" Paid my ransom.-SomethingelseYT

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AGE: 3 years old

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