you have a deep wound that goes to the heart. Thankfully i have the technology to fix this wound*knocks out the skeleton and does surgery that fixes the tissue* Hal-9000

you have a deep wound that goes to the heart. Thankfully i have the technology to fix this wound*knocks out the skeleton and does surgery that fixes the tissue* Hal-9000

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Description: These were two of my favourite villains, so i decided to make pixel art of them both. Auto-Pilot is from Wall-E. Hal-9000 is from A Space Odyssey. Please give me your opinion on this, i would love some feedback.

CREATOR ID: d9ae9c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: After the completion of the portal your solar will not have a star anymore, but we have planned for that to happen so i had Auto grab a star from a location that is not surrounded by planets and is the same size. Hal-9000

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator