(This is what you get for not joining the rp earlier!) *Dragonex is deep in the earth, far too deep for you to hit. Chara beams out of this place, and the core of PAM is eaten. Suddenly Dragonex emerges from the ground and grows to a size bigger than 30 suns, and swallows PAM's World whole. Plunging it into the darkness of Dragonex's stomach. Due to his hyper thick scaling, Magic and Mana is unable to be used inside his stomach, so teleporting out is not an option.*

(This is what you get for not joining the rp earlier!) *Dragonex is deep in the earth, far too deep for you to hit. Chara beams out of this place, and the core of PAM is eaten. Suddenly Dragonex emerges from the ground and grows to a size bigger than 30 suns, and swallows PAM's World whole. Plunging it into the darkness of Dragonex's stomach. Due to his hyper thick scaling, Magic and Mana is unable to be used inside his stomach, so teleporting out is not an option.*

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Description: Dragonex, Devourer of the Multiverse. God level power Do not engage. Just pray for your pitiful, fragile life.

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: (Save because I have to go, for the day.)

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AI Painting Generator