So far I have the introduction thought out. While Sans is hunting for LV, Flowey goes to warn Asgore about him. Asgore, then commands that Undyne go fight Sans, through the battle, you would switch through the characters perspectives, you can only kill Sans when he's tired. In the end, Undyne gains victory...but Sans decides to tell her what's really going on, and tells them about the human, saying that they need to complete the job. - Ethan

So far I have the introduction thought out. While Sans is hunting for LV, Flowey goes to warn Asgore about him. Asgore, then commands that Undyne go fight Sans, through the battle, you would switch through the characters perspectives, you can only kill Sans when he's tired. In the end, Undyne gains victory...but Sans decides to tell her what's really going on, and tells them about the human, saying that they need to complete the job. - Ethan

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Description: BlockWithAHat, or, Ethan, here, I'm a 2019 PAM user who hopes to meet some old friends again...I'm tired, seeya! Discord: Block#2654 | PAM Ethan V2. Ask before use, and give reason for using. If accepted and used, please put my name on the sheet, or in the DESC. | Ethan - 24 ATK - 23 DEF - 2 LV - 57 HP - Likes to make art, and one day wishes to make music. Gets worried a lot for no reason. Usually distracted by something else than what's going on.

CREATOR ID: 579f32
AGE: 3 years old

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