can i edit this to be stupid?i wont use it cuz ill obvyislly need your permission and youll probably say no oh yeah and i said this cuz im bored and i have nothing to do - landon

can i edit this to be stupid?i wont use it cuz ill obvyislly need your permission and youll probably say no oh yeah and i said this cuz im bored and i have nothing to do - landon

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Description: Original Sprite Made by Anauxieus | Recolor by T | Request: a robot bounty hunter oc sprite. It's kinda (and this is a big kinda) like the survivors from the Risk of Rain games. Sprite Details I've thought of: Female, with a head under a removable helmet, Helmet having a screen, wields a sniper rifle that can switch between a single shot and spread shot, wears a cloak over armor, covered in armor from head to toe, has exposed mechanical hair, that has a wire connecting part of it to its body- (i need to draw this thing.)

CREATOR ID: ae7706
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: can i edit this to be stupid?i wont use it cuz ill obvyislly need your permission and youll probably say no oh yeah and i said this cuz im bored and i have nothing to do - landon

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