you weren't supposed to ask that, but i can tell you anyways. (almost bias???) According to most, there are five stages of life. You live out the first one normally, the second one by murder (i think???), the third one you find your soulmate but never actually meet them. Fourth, you meet them but die early in life. And the fifth, you find your soulmate and live a happy ever after before your spirit travels to "The Great Beyond." I, have experienced some things..? (i dunno i forgot whether me is on life 4 or 5..) But i have died before. Last life, i was a pizza man. I think i was a Carl..? anyways. I got hit by a car on my way home from late shift. I felt pain for what FELT like years. Then... VOILA! I was alive again. Forgetting, most of everything + my college degree.... So yeah, story of my knowledge.

you weren't supposed to ask that, but i can tell you anyways. (almost bias???) According to most, there are five stages of life. You live out the first one normally, the second one by murder (i think???), the third one you find your soulmate but never actually meet them. Fourth, you meet them but die early in life. And the fifth, you find your soulmate and live a happy ever after before your spirit travels to "The Great Beyond." I, have experienced some things..? (i dunno i forgot whether me is on life 4 or 5..) But i have died before. Last life, i was a pizza man. I think i was a Carl..?  anyways. I got hit by a car on my way home from late shift. I felt pain for what FELT like years. Then... VOILA! I was alive again. Forgetting, most of everything + my college degree....   So yeah, story of my knowledge.

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CREATOR ID: e25ae6
VIEWS: 121
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: yeah i do agree upon his theme being "moderately okay."

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