Rather than have a hierarchy on the Discord server, we will operate by a form of Democracy that is akin to Anarchy. A certain individual at the top doesn`t decide that someone is Godmodding and must be engaged, but rather, once again, a vote is held. If someone does not want to participate in an engagement, they do not have to. Additionally, anyone can leave the faction at any time and will face no consequences. What do you think?

Rather than have a hierarchy on the Discord server, we will operate by a form of Democracy that is akin to Anarchy. A certain individual at the top doesn`t decide that someone is Godmodding and must be engaged, but rather, once again, a vote is held. If someone does not want to participate in an engagement, they do not have to. Additionally, anyone can leave the faction at any time and will face no consequences. What do you think?

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CREATOR ID: db3719
AGE: 3 years old

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AI Painting Generator