Pls tell the true guys! (By UnderPixel)

Pls tell the true guys! (By UnderPixel)

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Description: Hey what's up? It's me UnderPixel so i'm want to know something here: You like me?; *1)Yeah!, 2)A lot!, 3)Yo are mma best friend :3 4) Yes 5)Not so much... 6) No i'm not like you 7) I HATE YOU* My pixel arts is good?: 1)Very good ;D 2)A lot! 3)Yep 4) Welp i think you can do better... 5) No 6) Your pixel arts is A SHIT! How the level of the friendship of us? : 1)Bffs 2) Best friends 3) More or less friends 4) Friends 5) Fellows 6)colleagues 7) No friends You think i abandoned you?: 1)No no i understand you you have places to go 2) Nope you will NOT never ever think that 3) Sometimes yeah... 4)You can give more attetion to me 5) Yes you not speak anymore to me. 6) I DON'T CARE You follow me because i'm good in pixel arts or because i i'm a cool guy? 1) The both 2) Good in pixels 3) Because you are cool ;3 4) Not for any reason because you followed me 5) I WILL NEVER FOLLOW YOU IDIOT Ok that's all byez ;D (Don't care about hurt my feelings i wnat you be honest to me)

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 118
AGE: 6 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator