*more evil laughing* where i come from.....we dont go down without a fight......*small void blasters surround you* *two large ones go either side of you*

*more evil laughing* where i come from.....we dont go down without a fight......*small void blasters surround you* *two large ones go either side of you*

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Description: σκοτεινό, πιο σκοτεινό, αλλά πιο σκοτεινό-The final destruction, he will destroy the pam-verse, resistance is futile. The void consumes, surrender now, surrender now, surrender now and you will be spared. |Stats are irrelevantant|Soul:45% hate |45% fear 5% determination|5% doubt|

CREATOR ID: ebf0c4
VIEWS: 109
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: uhh yeah desc update.....phases 1 and 2 done....(save)

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