Too early in the damn morning for this... And yet, after like the last four days or so, being muted has been horrendous... But when some of YOU fuckers got muted and ignored you`ll understand why we are just so angry that a feature that is really our ONLY means to cry for help is just useless..... Anyway... With that said and done..... I`m- Gonna just like... Go work on a sprite I`ve been working on lately..... And if I just suddenly go silent again, then I basically been muted again...

Too early in the damn morning for this... And yet, after like the last four days or so, being muted has been horrendous... But when some of YOU fuckers got muted and ignored you`ll understand why we are just so angry that a feature that is really our ONLY means to cry for help is just useless..... Anyway... With that said and done..... I`m- Gonna just like... Go work on a sprite I`ve been working on lately..... And if I just suddenly go silent again, then I basically been muted again...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 3 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator