I'm just... Gonna play some games... And really..... Fucking... "Inky", or whatever at this point if you are able to come over... Can ya come over?.....

I'm just... Gonna play some games... And really..... Fucking... "Inky", or whatever at this point if you are able to come over... Can ya come over?.....

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Description: -Terrie | StoryArraSwap Justin - ATK: 15,000 [Phase 2: 750,000 - Phase 3: 12,000,000] - DEF: 9,300,000 [Phase 2: 46,700,000 - Phase 3: 93,500,000] - HP: 275,000,00 [Phase 2: 590,000,000 - Phase 3: 1,280,000,000] | [ * This final one remains as the petty bitch of a "Queen" won't do anything and just accept her death ] - [ * He's not giving in? Even after all that? Guess we will have to continue our "F U N" = ) ] - [ * Two marks and it's still not over... But this is it! There no time to let our guard down to give in! Stay DETERMINED... "F R I E N D" = D ] | Themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVlP2d92EM8&t | Phase 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp6l3rQb2l8 | Phase 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gM48oLV1LI&t

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "StoryArraSwap Justin - V2 | -Terrie

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