-closes door and turns to the people in the house- okay everyone, listen up. I have some rules. No fighting. That means battles are outside. Be fair to each other. Bullies are not allowed in the house. -gives coconut a candy bar-. And, just dont be a butt. Butts will be thrown outside. Not the body part, but a person that is not nice to be around. Any questions?

-closes door and turns to the people in the house- okay everyone, listen up. I have some rules. No fighting. That means battles are outside. Be fair to each other. Bullies are not allowed in the house. -gives coconut a candy bar-. And, just dont be a butt. Butts will be thrown outside. Not the body part, but a person that is not nice to be around. Any questions?

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Description: Squishy -atk ?-def?- hgt 5'3- i can shapeshift into anything i guess [legs by adam]

CREATOR ID: 842b2e
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: thats fine, foxlya -turns to OX- what are you doing in my house?

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