(The stomach stuff isn't canon, and Dragonex never showed up ok? I was hoping someone might try and fight the cultist, or Dragonex before I brought Chara in, but noooooo you had to wait until the last second, and spend 30 fucking minutes fighting Sanses. Well whatever, that's just a month's worth of planning shot. So Cya I guess, cause due to this, I will not be back today.)

(The stomach stuff isn't canon, and Dragonex never showed up ok? I was hoping someone might try and fight the cultist, or Dragonex before I brought Chara in, but noooooo you had to wait until the last second, and spend 30 fucking minutes fighting Sanses. Well whatever, that's just a month's worth of planning shot. So Cya I guess, cause due to this, I will not be back today.)

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Description: Dragonex, Devourer of the Multiverse. God level power Do not engage. Just pray for your pitiful, fragile life.

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: (Save because I have to go, for the day.)

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