Well then fuck CT, cause they are out of luck, i can be tolerant of rude people, and forgive them, but somebody insulting my work just cause theyre upset because maybe they lost something, or got punished for something. Im not gonna have some shit, taken out on me, i am an undertale fan, and CT is gonna have to deal with it, the music is awesome, and the creativity is boundless from the people who make good soundtracks, like M.A.T. and NickNitro.

Well then fuck CT,  cause they are out of luck, i can be tolerant of rude people, and forgive them, but somebody insulting my work just cause theyre upset because maybe they lost something, or got punished for something. Im not gonna have some shit, taken out on me, i am an undertale fan, and CT is gonna have to deal with it, the music is awesome, and the creativity is boundless from the people who make good soundtracks, like M.A.T. and NickNitro.

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Description: Based Off 刀剣神居Undertale AU's Murder Time Trio Phase 3. I made a lot of this myself, the only thing I used to make this is a dust sans sprite base.

CREATOR ID: 2fbf6b
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Dusttale Sans Battle Sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator