(fixed)so for the duo im not going to use Monika for phase 3. I'm thinking of using Geno because Delete 404 can bring bring anyone to him that is under Error 404's strength. Though he cannot controll him, so bringing someone that would kill him would be a stupid idea

(fixed)so for the duo im not going to use Monika for phase 3. I'm thinking of using Geno because Delete 404 can bring bring anyone to him that is under Error 404's strength. Though he cannot controll him, so bringing someone that would kill him would be a stupid idea

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Description: credit to e8cb42 for letting me use his Sans sprite. Here is a link to the original Sans art-->http://pixelartmaker.com/art/8ff61992d8b1b5c Please credit me if you are going to use this Sans. -Spike

CREATOR ID: 7a4037
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Delete 404 Sans

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator