*He hears this once the spy returns and ducks behind his head. He smiles, realizing that his powers really were stronger.* I see. *He puts them away, then backs away a bit as he sees what's going on with Loli.*

*He hears this once the spy returns and ducks behind his head. He smiles, realizing that his powers really were stronger.* I see. *He puts them away, then backs away a bit as he sees what's going on with Loli.*

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Description: | Name: Chris Deadman | Age: 19 | Species: Human | LV: 1 | HP: 15 | ATK: 10 | DEF: 10 | Quiet, analytical, not very expressive, confirmed psychopath | Asexual, panromantic | Nothing special, really. But maybe he'll be worth something to someone. | \\Lovely sprite made by the equally lovely Derp!\\

CREATOR ID: 90896a
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: -Two appeared and neither of them seem any weaker-

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator