other than the character's main body. this entire sprite sheet was made by me on chromebook

other than the character's main body.   this entire sprite sheet was made by me on chromebook

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Description: Canon!Quarter. or Akina Takao (Often referred to by last name first) | Retired Colorverse Space agent, so she has a Blazer with her. | Species: Iroloid (Color + Vocaloid). | Based Design from the best old rendition of Akira. /// (Average stats) | Atk 4 | Def 687 | Spd 58 | HP 500 | Level 112 | (Blazer Stats) | Atk 900 | Def 0 | Spd 0 | HP 0 | Level ??? | Explosion Radius: 10 yards in diameter. disables magic within 50 yards. (Not godmodding. your the one godmodding if it is dodged. it's just the truth) Blazer Modes: Explosion (normal) Pixelate (will explode enemies and blow other things up into pixels that'll reform within seconds) and multishot (3 shots at once) | Sprite made and Used By Quarter/CodeYuki. | Credit-required-if-edited} | will NOT BE GIVEN AWAY.

CREATOR ID: 5b2f3e
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Name CHane

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator