For once I actually opened up to a extreme and got it out my system... 12 years... Of just mental torment just lifted off my back after a serious rant where I`m not just sat doing FUCKING NOTHING..... Heheheee... I actually feel a hell of a lot more calmer now... But clearly I won`t really appear that way due to my insane laughter...... Hahaaa... Buuuttt, it doesn`t matter at least I won`t really be bothered anymore for awhile.....

For once I actually opened up to a extreme and got it out my system... 12 years... Of just mental torment just lifted off my back after a serious rant where I`m not just sat doing FUCKING NOTHING..... Heheheee... I actually feel a hell of a lot more calmer now... But clearly I won`t really appear that way due to my insane laughter...... Hahaaa... Buuuttt, it doesn`t matter at least I won`t really be bothered anymore for awhile.....

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "[-Commits add a rage induced fire effect for those who dare touch my cornbread, as a joke-]

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