terraria ideas ultra bar staff and armor

terraria ideas ultra bar staff and armor

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Description: This is a terraria idea i had. The set bonus is ultra blast. Ultra blast shoots a beam of light at the target dealing 100 damage but only shoots straight forward. Defence 150. The staff shoots a beam of lights that does 120 and shoots in 3 directions. The bar is made from 10 ultra ore at a adamantite forge or titanium forge. The way you would get ultra ore is by surrounding one fusion ore in every single ore in the game to turn it into ultra or all the other ores will be turned into empty ore. You can find the fusion ore deep underground where the corruption and hallow meet. Helmet: 24 bars deffence: 37 Chestplate: 45 bars deffence: 58 Greavs: 32 bars deffence: 48 staff: 28 bars attack: 180

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
AGE: 8 years old
BASED ON: Terraria Character

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