[[No... If I play my cards right... I think, I can sneak by and not hand it over... And really... I got a mega brain, and what I can try to do is... TRANSFER DATA... Just put all my bookmarks on a USB, or something... Ha!... But till I get to understanding how to do that... Yeah I`m fucked...]]

[[No... If I play my cards right... I think, I can sneak by and not hand it over... And really... I got a mega brain, and what I can try to do is... TRANSFER DATA... Just put all my bookmarks on a USB, or something... Ha!... But till I get to understanding how to do that... Yeah I`m fucked...]]

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Everyone from the dead, is back?... Huh, wha-?...

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