Besides just before I do... Your insult of that means nothing... I've heard worse... Try something new, mr. I'ma steal from Rainbow2011's accustions wiki page like a little pussy..... Ok get ignored noob..... Rozie, different gallery, NOW... I'm not going to stick around for any of these other PAM idiots since some of them don't like others having opinions on a STUPID idea.....

Besides just before I do... Your insult of that means nothing... I've heard worse... Try something new, mr. I'ma steal from Rainbow2011's accustions wiki page like a little pussy..... Ok get ignored noob..... Rozie, different gallery, NOW... I'm not going to stick around for any of these other PAM idiots since some of them don't like others having opinions on a STUPID idea.....

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: -Silent flustered screaming-

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