Huh... Well uh- The only other thing I`d be kinda useful is little touch-ups like small shading and adding expressions..... Also... T?... I do wanna just- quickly say... That, yes I said your "Actual" name I did put: "Now changed to just ``T``", so yeah... Also I dunno why you think I hate you, like I seriously don`t... In fact your ideas seem to really mirror my childhood that I cling too... And in a way I feel like I really relate to you, so why would I hate you, if to my own childish mind... That you are just me in a different way?...

Huh... Well uh- The only other thing I`d be kinda useful is little touch-ups like small shading and adding expressions..... Also... T?... I do wanna just- quickly say... That, yes I said your "Actual" name I did put: "Now changed to just ``T``", so yeah... Also I dunno why you think I hate you, like I seriously don`t... In fact your ideas seem to really mirror my childhood that I cling too... And in a way I feel like I really relate to you, so why would I hate you, if to my own childish mind... That you are just me in a different way?...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old

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