Fair point here, Miss Mayhem, but I do believe that T has rights to it since he redrew it with effort. He doesn't own it necessarily, but it's his work so he should be allowed to tell who does and does not edit it. Somebody else could go and trace the same thing and it'd be fine, they just shouldn't use his trace. It's like Terrie tracing a Sans and then kindly asking nobody to use it without permission or credits, ya know?

Fair point here, Miss Mayhem, but I do believe that T has rights to it since he redrew it with effort. He doesn't own it necessarily, but it's his work so he should be allowed to tell who does and does not edit it. Somebody else could go and trace the same thing and it'd be fine, they just shouldn't use his trace. It's like Terrie tracing a Sans and then kindly asking nobody to use it without permission or credits, ya know?

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Description: ~Mayhem

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Looking at the facts. This fight started over Pokémon. T, you don't own the rights to any Pokémon sprites unless it is your own custom Pokémon which based on what started this it's not. So you should just let them use it.

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