Hey, what ever happened to Corey?...]]

Hey, what ever happened to Corey?...]]

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Description: Corey, Age 13, Height (pam) 2600 mm, eye colour blue or red, clothes- Shad: only the stealth jacket he wears fits him so he keeps that, Corey: any of the three jackets included (or more) Relations (known)- Venom (the movie one), Riot (also in the Venom movie), Others that are on his home planet...abilities- Shapeshift, Vacuum (power soak: sucks in power), Teleport, is immune to bullets, lazers, fire, water and explosions, most other weapons he has high resistance to. copyright notice: Corey Only Is Allowed To Edit This By PAM Law...If You Are Given Permission By Corey Then You Can But When He Says Stop Editing...You Stop.

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: corey: *Phew!* ITS FINALLY done! (man my hands are really sweaty right now!) anyways...feel free to edit this...when i come back i will pick the best edit and use it...you can rearrange things, add emotions and other stuff, or just completely redraw all the faces...if you want to redraw everything then read desc!

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