our life is defined by the fact that we're all just doing the same thing over and over again! nothing we do has "value" to anyone, it's just another thing in a stream of things. sure you may like something but in some time you'll forget it, forget your loved ones, forget your family, forget your own name! your memories forever lost in that safe in your brain you can't access because you don't have the key, hell, you don't even have the key to your own happiness! so you feed off of the regurgitated things other people like, making their opinions yours, following the flock! and there's nothing you can do about it!

our life is defined by the fact that we're all just doing the same thing over and over again! nothing we do has "value" to anyone, it's just another thing in a stream of things. sure you may like something but in some time you'll forget it, forget your loved ones, forget your family, forget your own name! your memories forever lost in that safe in your brain you can't access because you don't have the key, hell, you don't even have the key to your own happiness! so you feed off of the regurgitated things other people like, making their opinions yours, following the flock! and there's nothing you can do about it!

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CREATOR ID: 17d6d3
AGE: 2 years old

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