Covid-19 is actually a man made virus. It was made by the Japanese, not by a bat. It`s said that some guy ate a bat from the black market, but you can`t even get bats off the black market, much less can a virus spread from eating one so quickly. Long story short, this is for population control. All the old people will die, so that the government doesn`t have to fund health care. So banning seeds is still not understood, but...saving the population is the opposite of what they`re trying to do.

Covid-19 is actually a man made virus. It was made by the Japanese, not by a bat. It`s said that some guy ate a bat from the black market, but you can`t even get bats off the black market, much less can a virus spread from eating one so quickly. Long story short, this is for population control. All the old people will die, so that the government doesn`t have to fund health care. So banning seeds is still not understood, but...saving the population is the opposite of what they`re trying to do.

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Description: Ruby, most known as BD.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old

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