Seif & Star

Seif & Star

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Description: {[Seif- | Lv: 1 | Atk: 5 | Def: 20] A regular kid with a unique pet slime that they found while they were little. Seif is a huge fan of Slimes, and their new friend started their first adventure} {[Star- | Lv: 5 | Atk: 25 | Def: 100] A unique slime with the unoriginal name "Star" due to the star shaped crystal thats inside of them. Using the crystal, they can create armor and tools made of hardened slime that can boost stats or other purpaces}

CREATOR ID: 379d08
VIEWS: 142
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Here you are Finx!

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator