[Light repost in case I was a little to hard to see] "Anything for a friend", I actually meant that... Just not pedophile stuff... Normal sex and whatnot?; Yes | Raping children?... HELL NO...... | OH- And I found out that Chatcrypt got unblocked... Dunno why or how but I can use it...

[Light repost in case I was a little to hard to see] "Anything for a friend", I actually meant that... Just not pedophile stuff... Normal sex and whatnot?; Yes | Raping children?... HELL NO...... | OH- And I found out that Chatcrypt got unblocked... Dunno why or how but I can use it...

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Description: -Senshi | Species: Slime | Height: Not Certain | Weight: also not certain | Relationships: Warrior(friend), Atari(lover)

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: freeze me and you're dick will be ripped off and shoved down your throat -W/S

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