Well if my touchpad didn't sudden refuse to work I'd have said this sooner you impatient assholes... Just the best way I can say this is this: a 15 year old is calling a 16 year old a pedo, because of 15 year old fucked a 17 year old, who the 17 year old was dating the 16 year old.....

Well if my touchpad didn't sudden refuse to work I'd have said this sooner you impatient assholes... Just the best way I can say this is this: a 15 year old is calling a 16 year old a pedo, because of 15 year old fucked a 17 year old, who the 17 year old was dating the 16 year old.....

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 583245
VIEWS: 116
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: -Silent flustered screaming-

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