am i mean to my cat? i know i can't feed him more than once a day cause he's too fat, but it so sad to say no to him, and i don't let him out sometimes so that Binks will have someone to play with, but i feel like that's too mean

am i mean to my cat? i know i can't feed him more than once a day cause he's too fat, but it so sad to say no to him, and i don't let him out sometimes so that Binks will have someone to play with, but i feel like that's too mean

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Description: OG sprites by Helix edited by Spike A.N.A= Anti-Natzi America A.N.R= Anti-Natzi Russia A.N.J = Anti-Natzi Japan A.N.B= Anti-Natzi Brittan -Spikey floof

CREATOR ID: 71fafd
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: A.N. Military and countries

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