Xandy/Xlexandra [Cursed Woods sprite]

Xandy/Xlexandra [Cursed Woods sprite]

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Description: Xandy is a demon and the reason why the forest in the game is called Cursed Woods, she hates puns and kills anything in the forest, and if a kid gets lost Xandy grabs them and kills the kid, their favorite thing to eat is cookies so you can tame her I guess, everyone In the village hates her and swear to kill her, so she stays in the woods where its safe,in the mercy run you can save her and in the genocide run she helps you kill everyone then she possesses you so when you start a new game you play Xandy and everyone starts attacking you once the screen turns black a jumpscare will happen then the game will be back to normal

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 222
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: [le more facts about Justly]

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator