[[And secondly... DESC change...]]
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Description: Swap!Terrie; Age: 15; Height: 5" 5'; Weight: 25 kg; A dog with a feathered tail; he's also German; he`s gay, and yet to be taken... | Yes it's my OC Furry Fursona but Fannon!Swap... |Anti-Copy: Goopi made the OG for me | Goopi's message: I hope you like it... it may look close to your normal character, but i tried really hard to get this... | [Swap!Terrie: ATK: 15 | DEF: 125,000 | SPD: 600 | LV: -10 | Comes from a realm of beings that are very UP [UnderPowered], he OVERLY loves to make friends even if they are his enemy`s!]
CREATOR ID: | 95be89 |
VIEWS: | 97 |
AGE: | 4 years old |
BASED ON: | "Palette save... Just in case... |