well,there is a disbelief route for my au,where you choose who gets to fight the human in the final hall,the first one is a gaster blaster humanoid called dread who has a human/monster hybrid called mark and papyrus,a member of the royal guard who is more angry at the human,and there are 5 phases in two of those choices

well,there is a disbelief route for my au,where you choose who gets to fight the human in the final hall,the first one is a gaster blaster humanoid called dread who has a human/monster hybrid called mark and papyrus,a member of the royal guard who is more angry at the human,and there are 5 phases in two of those choices

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CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 183
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: with the disbelief route in this AU, papyrus never dies, you fight paps until he figures out his sans is fake, and gives up his soul for sans to fight. there is a sacrifice button within your mercy, which after beating all three routes, you unlock and you unlock the disbelief route.

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