Well, I was created with many birth defects, but I wasn't killed because I can still function pretty well, and I scored a 14 out of 15 on scientific understanding on a test (In real life by the way!). So I was a lab rat for a little while until I became really smart. I may lack some basic functions but not enough to be executed.

Well, I was created with many birth defects, but I wasn't killed because I can still function pretty well, and I scored a 14 out of 15 on scientific understanding on a test (In real life by the way!). So I was a lab rat for a little while until I became really smart. I may lack some basic functions but not enough to be executed.

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Description: Credit to by X R F S X for making the spite. I made the song. https://jummbus.bitbucket.io/#j3N0dANOTHER%20HIMn310s0k0l00e05t1Kmva7g0fj07i0r1O_U0000o3010T5v0pL0OaD0Ou20q1d5f5y1z8C0c0h8H_SRJ6JIBxAAAAkT1v0lL0OaD0Ou01q1d6f3y1z8C0c2h0A5F4BdV8Q010bPf977E00a1T5v0pL0OaD0Oud3q1d2f7y3z1C0c0h0HVxh90000000000T2v0fL0OaD0Ou02q1d1f1y0z1C2w6Gc0h0b4i4R0000000QkQo000000000000000004h4h0000000p21CBWpvEw8kLpB-A3bbVv9g46nQR5YLIw8gLFGbVvj0gxvjknO-C-4bWqyYncZ7NzArjAC8IIPQvdnV1yMb3wm00ap6e8W2ewOW2ewUc0

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Im not, good at noticing things...

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