Modern Sonic running

Modern Sonic running

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Description: It’s a beautiful day outside! Chao are racing, Knuckles are searching! On days like these Furries like you, Should be burning in the lava reef zone! Turn around tails. It'd be a crime If I had to go back on that chili dog you made for me So don’t step over that line! Or else friend you're gonna have a fast time But kids like you are too slow in general And guys like me need the power of the chaos emeralds Let's go to the green hill zone, Let's go or you'll be flying alone! Go ahead and try to beat me if you're able! Don’t you know I'm inexplicably inflatable? I can tell you're getting sick of all these trails But I think you're just mad your name's miles! You're not gonna fix what we made together! Sega will keep making games forever! You can break us apart but we'll come back cooler! Introducing my new friend Jeffry the cougar! My games are way, way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool! Alright! Way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool! My games are way, way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool! Alright! Way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool! This is me as a werehog, this is me as a fruit bowl If you think these are bad then you should get off my console You just don't understand, please just get out of my way Can you even feel the sunshine, does it brighten up your day? So go ahead and try to beat me if you're able! on’t you know you're way too slow in your tornado? Think that you can try to cream me in this throwdown? But I'll be spinning circles over you til sundown! You should know by now that the end is near! The end of this race, this is why we're here I'll keep on spinning, I'll keep on winning, You'd better step it up fox! My games are way, way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool! But i think I'm faster than you! Way past cool! Way past cool! But i think I'm faster than you! Way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool! But i think I'm faster than you! Way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool! But I'm faster than you. Way past cool! Way past cool! Way past cool!

CREATOR ID: 10304b
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Classic Sonic

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