Really one of these god damn days I`m going to fucking punch a teacher or murder somebody IRL, for this shit cause it`s so fucking stupid..... I can`t even talk with some people I wanna talk with, without losing some important stuff or whatever... They took away free snow days with these chromebooks..... They invade our privacy without consent... The take away our freedom of speech..... They put children in fucking danger of a deadly illness, without a single fuck to give... And I`m gonna fucking prove how useless and pathetic these damn systems are cause reality check... NOBODY IS ACTUALLY MEANT TO LEARN... LEARNING ISN`T A REAL REQUIREMENT TO LIVE... The statement of: "Fuck humanity return to monke", is actually more true than some people think...

Really one of these god damn days I`m going to fucking punch a teacher or murder somebody IRL, for this shit cause it`s so fucking stupid..... I can`t even talk with some people I wanna talk with, without losing some important stuff or whatever... They took away free snow days with these chromebooks..... They invade our privacy without consent... The take away our freedom of speech..... They put children in fucking danger of a deadly illness, without a single fuck to give... And I`m gonna fucking prove how useless and pathetic these damn systems are cause reality check... NOBODY IS ACTUALLY MEANT TO LEARN... LEARNING ISN`T A REAL REQUIREMENT TO LIVE... The statement of: "Fuck humanity return to monke", is actually more true than some people think...

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Description: -Terrie | Redrew: | Theme:

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: -Terrie

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