well if you hate undertale, there s 80 persent chance you never have played the game. you probably hate it just because of the undertale fandom. in the real undertale, its not all about megalovaina. its not all about skeletons. its not all about au's. its a game about having the choice spare monsters or kill them.

well if you hate undertale, there s 80 persent chance you never have played the game. you probably hate it just because of the undertale fandom.  in the real undertale, its not all about megalovaina. its not all about skeletons. its not all about au's. its a game about having the choice spare monsters or kill them.

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Description: ok this is a maker for everyone if they want to make their au

CREATOR ID: b9de0d
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: I`m so sick of Undertale. It fucking sucks. Everytime I see a Sans, a Papyrus, a Gaster, I contemplate whether or not my life has meaning. Which makes me fucking infuriated. You punkass cunts think you can steal ideas from another fucking game because you can`t dig in your tiny-ass brain and come up with someting original. You bitches infuriate me. You ruined Undertale, and there`s no one else to fucking blame. Fuck your ass Megalos. Fuck your fanbase. Fuck these Swap Fell things. I wouldn`t be surprised if I saw some sort of AU that had a name so long that you couldn`t fucking post it. Fucking dicks. Every fucking time I hear "Swap! Fell! Magnet! Revert!" I want to fucking die. What`s next? SwapSwapSwapSwapSwapFellSwapFellFellRevertFellRevertSwapSwapGasterFellGaster? Fuck you. Fuck you. Just fuck you.

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