And I have the only golden gun, version of THIS, gun within my paw, that`s like the COD:BO2 Pack-a-punched Ray gun... But it`s also heavily modded, to just basically delete the map... As, Golden Eye 007, told me... The golden gun, ones shots for the price, of only having ONE, bullet...

And I have the only golden gun, version of THIS, gun within my paw, that`s like the COD:BO2 Pack-a-punched Ray gun... But it`s also heavily modded, to just basically delete the map... As, Golden Eye 007, told me... The golden gun, ones shots for the price, of only having ONE, bullet...

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Description: (Justin) Terrie; Age: 23; Height: 6" 5'; Weight: 35 kg; A dog with a feather'd tail; He's also German; He`s gay; And yet, is forever alone... | Yes it's my OC Furry Fursona... |Justin, made Terrie, yet Goopi, re ade this for me | [Terrie: ATK: 5 [With the gun: 9,999 | DEF: 85,000 | SPD: 800 | LV: -15 | Comes from a realm of beings that are very OP, he loves to make friends rather than enemy`s!... Uh... Why does he have a gun?...] | Goopi`s note: I hope you like it... it may look close to your normal character, but i tried really hard to get this...

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: -He is spinning the revolver, around, without safe mode, on and he`s somehow not triggering it- Huh...

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