Ok, You have to accept that your IP has been revealed, as well as your device's coordinates, meaning you've been doxxed twice, accept the fact a lot of PAM (Mainly veterans) Hate you, know that you godmod a lot EVEN IF YOUR CHARACTER IS POWERFUL, IT'S STILL GODMODDING... (I had to balance this out with Dorri, My Anti-godmodding character. ). Know that there cannot only be one person who uses Colors, as a source of Power, and PLEASE, DO NOT, Beg for sprites for people to make you sprites, refrain from making recolors as much as possible too, Dan is fine, although could use fixes, more: I still hate you, this truce won't mean I'm forgiving you, and now.... for rp: You are allowed in CASUAL RPS I host, No Fighting RPs or Arcs... at least from me... Know that we both have Similar souls, but one doesn't have soul traits, with that, do you accept.

Ok, You have to accept that your IP has been revealed, as well as your device's coordinates, meaning you've been doxxed twice, accept the fact a lot of PAM (Mainly veterans) Hate you, know that you godmod a lot EVEN IF YOUR CHARACTER IS POWERFUL, IT'S STILL GODMODDING... (I had to balance this out with Dorri, My Anti-godmodding character. ). Know that there cannot only be one person who uses Colors, as a source of Power, and PLEASE, DO NOT, Beg for sprites for people to make you sprites, refrain from making recolors as much as possible too, Dan is fine, although could use fixes, more: I still hate you, this truce won't mean I'm forgiving you, and now.... for rp: You are allowed in CASUAL RPS I host, No Fighting RPs or Arcs... at least from me... Know that we both have Similar souls, but one doesn't have soul traits, with that, do you accept.

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CREATOR ID: 5b2f3e
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: It's Mizu! -walks to the portal and legit jumps, landing in a mush in front of Mizu-

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator