Cole... (Best friend) Otherwordly Stories

Cole... (Best friend) Otherwordly Stories

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Description: oh... ok... so He IS my best friend and we both love Undertale... We also enjoy making stories (which on docs turns it into an RP like Story) He has an AU idea known as Magictale (I'd like a different name pls, encase that AU already exists) he really likes the Storyshift AU (as in most stories he literally Puts Chara from the same AU as his GF) For no crossover... we call SS! Chara Satsuji Kettei now (Kettei is Japanese for Determined) so yeah... ξ\(゜ー゜*)(*゜▽゜)ノ⌒ξ゜Д゜)ノノ

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 139
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: I don't wear a Hoodie because i'm sans or anything... this isn't an AU... btw

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